Sound Bites With Dr Dan: Good Pain Vs Bad Pain | PART 1
I think there's a few things to pull out there. One is the question of how do you know the difference between good pain and bad pain? I think we've had that come up in other years as well. I think the cop out response to that it is individual and all pain is different.
And and you can't tell based purely on the type of pain. Of course, it would be nice if it was, you know, sharp pain is bad and achy pain is good or something. You know, It'd be nice if it was something very clear cut like that.
I think the best advice I can give is to understand this concept of irritability. So it's three, three components to it. How bad is it? How easy is it to bring on that pain and how quickly does it disappear after?
So if someone does a shoulder flexion and it hurts, but it's only a one out of ten and it goes away straight away. So it came on kind of easy, but it's low pain and it goes away straight away.
That gives you a gauge that this is not a it's not a severe, worrisome kind of pain. And I guess I'm also approaching this from the point of view of one of the main reasons you want to know this is because you don't want to make someone worse by pushing them into too much pain.
So that's kind of the frame. You're not coming at this from a wanting to diagnose it and work out if it's if it's worrisome or not. Just coming at this from the point of view is, is it safe for me to have them push through this exercise, for example.
And so that's the first thing I would do, is just understand how severe is it and does it go away when you stop and then you've got some data points to know if I encourage them to push through am I going to cause them three days of grief afterwards? Or is it just going to stop as soon as they move on to the next the next exercise? And maybe another thing you could throw into that is, is to ask them as you as you do it repeatedly, does it get better or worse?
So then you also know it was staying the same and then you can make a judgment. Okay, it's just keep going, but let me know if it gets any worse. If it's easing off, then that's great. Maybe you've even found something that's really helpful for them that maybe they want to do at home because it eases their pain. But if it starts making it worse, then yeah. Then that's definitely where you might want to modify something.